Thursday, March 11, 2010

Last Days of Jericho Back Cover Text


I've been making decent progress on The Last Days of Jericho recently. I've managed to get into a routine where 1000 words a day is pretty much the norm.

To reward myself, I took a few minutes and indulged in a little "back cover blurb" writing. I hate writing loglines, but I love playing with back cover text. Here's the general concept so far:

"A monster is approaching the city of Yarich.

"It cannot be stopped. It cannot be turned aside.

"It's getting closer every day.

"And the monster is...God Himself."

I need more explanatory text below this, so that it won't appear to be a Left Behind book. But this is what I'm looking at right now.




  1. Reads great!

    I need to get better at that. Sounds like a clue to me to dig out the book collection and see what is there and go to the bookstore and see what people do now.

  2. Very nice. I'm a huge advocate of active voice, so if I had to give a note, I'd say: "A monster approaches the city of Yarich."

    Sounds great though. Looking forward to it!

  3. I finally got the first full draft of my latest finished and over to Daniell and Suki for proofing. Had to split this into parts one and two when I was getting way to close to 40,000 words and nowhere near an ending.

    Guess I should mention it on my own blog sometime too, huh?

  4. Yeah, I continually forget to update my blog, too.

    Which blog is the primary one? It looks like you have 3 or 4.

  5. SukiProject.Blogspot.Com is the primary one, where the book announcements from me go, if Suki doesn't beat me to it. The ordering page is there too.

  6. Finally got that updated, now I am having proofreader problems. Next book is just one opinion shy of publication.
