Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cover Concepts for The Last Days of Jericho


Just playing around with cover concepts right now. The writing is a little ahead of schedule, so I'm thinking about promotion today.

Let me know which one you prefer!

Between the two, I think that I personally like the second one better. But the first one's basic image is available on a Creative Commons basis, and the second one's basic image would have to be licensed. So I'm going back and forth.



  1. I was going to say the second one as well.

  2. I think the first one would be better if you had the whole cover with the same kind of dirt, then had the title and the author name appearing out of the ground.

  3. Kody,

    That probably would work very well, assuming that the name and title stayed as visible against the dirt background as they are against the black background.

    It would take some photoshoppery, of course - the clipped parts of that image contain archaeological dig equipment and detritus that I'd have to remove. It's probably doable, though. I'll have to take a shot and see what it looks like.

  4. I like the first. It's more emotional, and the second gives me a distinct Terminator 2 vibe.

    Although, "rampaging-Yahweh-as-T800" might be exactly the tone you're after!
